2012年11月27日 星期二
2012年11月7日 星期三
2012年9月29日 星期六
Re-install Cluster on Xen 6.0.2
As title, just because we updated Xen to version 6.0.2 .
Following is some problems faced while installing.
Note that the following things should be install as a "Base System" that can be cloned to make new VM.
Note that Hadoop setup procedure is not written in this article.
Following is some problems faced while installing.
Note that the following things should be install as a "Base System" that can be cloned to make new VM.
- Java Environment
- Jade Environment
- Hadoop Enviornment
Note that Hadoop setup procedure is not written in this article.
2012年8月6日 星期一
嘉義中坑南營懇親 全信懇親專車 搭車心得
我弟於 民國 一○一 年 六 月 二十八 日 至 嘉義中坑 入伍新訓
本篇主要是在記錄及分享 全信懇親專車 的 搭車感想;並不為該業者打廣告(雖然我這篇是以反推為主),不喜勿入。
本篇主要是在記錄及分享 全信懇親專車 的 搭車感想;並不為該業者打廣告(雖然我這篇是以反推為主),不喜勿入。
2012年5月7日 星期一
2012年5月2日 星期三
Fresh Install/Upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04.4 to Ubuntu 12.04
1. Backup all the data to another hard drive. Only needed data is copied, since I want a Fresh Upgrade.
back up things2. Download Ubuntu, extract it to a pen drive
get ubuntu, and extract it with LinuxLive USB Creator.3. Use GParted to partition
Errors of not able to format FAT32, so I uses GParted to partition the following table for me.Setting:
32MB - beginning of hard drive2GB - Swap area
25GB - Root
100GB - Home folder
Rest - Fat32 as normal portable hard disk
If error still occur, try to partition one block per time.
4. Boot the pen drive and start install process
5. Other Settings
shutting down grub for searching other process while updating OS
sudo chmod -x 30_os-prober
Network manager
sudo vi /etc/NetworkManager.conf
change false to true
adding repos
that is
that is
2012年2月23日 星期四
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