2010年12月13日 星期一

Paper Reference Howto

Some common reference format:

1. Book Reference

<author>, <book name>, <edition>. <publish place>: <publisher name> <publish time> <reference range>

2. Magazine paper

<author>, <publish date>. <title>. <Magzine publisher><media type>. <page number>. Available:<path/to/file>

3. Journal paper

<author>, "<name of paper>," <database' name with domain>, vol.<volume number>, no.<Issue number>, pp.<page number>, <publish time>

4. Conference paper

<author>, "<name of paper>," <conference's name with domain><short of the conference's name>, vol.<volumn number>, <conference's city, nation>, <publish time>, pp.<page number>

5. Standard document

<title of standard>, <standard's ID in database>, <publish date>

6. Website document

6.1 FTP site:

<author>. <year>. <title> (<version>) [<media type>]. Available FTP:<FTP path/to/file> File:<file name>

6.2 Sebsite site:

<author>. (<year, month, day>). <title> (<version>) [<media type>]. Available: <url://to/file>

